Support The Carousel of Smiles
A 501c3 exempt organization
Your donations will be used for the restoration of the carousel and are greatly appreciated! If you would like to participate in adopting a pony, an art panel, or one of the other fabulous parts of the carousel, please contact us for further information and program particulars. Adoptions range from $500 – $16,000
Thank you for your support!
The Carousel of Smiles, Ltd
217 Cedar St, #284
Sandpoint, ID 83864
Checks should be made out to:
“The Carousel of Smiles, Ltd”
This is a community supported project.
We gladly accept all forms of financial support, large and small.
Checks, Credit Card, Appreciated Assets – it all works!
Donate Online
with Credit Card / Pay Pal
More Ways to Contribute
Purchase an original art piece in support of the carousel.